September is Stewardship Month at Saint Ambrose Parish. We seek to be good stewards of the blessings that God has given to us as individuals and as a community. As school starts up and vacations come to a close, now is the time to renew our dedication to our faith community for the next 12 months.
I invite us to be good stewards of the parish in two ways. One way is to support the parish financially according to our ability. Many of you have been generous to the parish in the past for which I am extremely grateful. We have been able to make so many improvements to the church because of your generosity, and it is important to keep the momentum moving forward.
Please assess how well you are able to support the ongoing mission of the parish. Are you able to increase your average donation by $5 per week? At Masses on September 13
th and 14
th, we will make a pledge to renew our commitment to God and one another as a community of faith. Please consider how you are able to respond.
A second way we are good stewards of the parish is by giving your time to a ministry or parish organization. To help us consider how to do that we will have our annual Ministry Fair the weekend of September 20
th and 21
st. I'll discuss that further in next week's letter. I bet you can?t wait!