What would you think if you were invited to a party and when you arrived at the appointed time it was obvious that nothing was ready for the party? I might be tempted to think that the party host did not care very much about his/her guests.
At Saint Ambrose, we have a dedicated group of people we call Sacristans who make sure that everything is ready for a great celebration of the Eucharist. As the pastor, they are incredibly helpful to me. Most days I have appointments or other obligations right up until the time Mass begins. I am always confident that when I walk into church at the last minute, everything has been prepared by the Sacristans.
Saint Ambrose Sacristans get to church early to open the doors and do most of the setup for Mass. Sacristans are also responsible for caring for the plants in the sanctuary, ordering supplies, and making sure that the vestments and vessels are clean and ready to use. Although the Sacristans are the least visible of the liturgical ministers, their ministry is vital for us to have a celebration of the Eucharist.
Just image what a party would be like if none prepared for it. Now imagine what Eucharist would be like without Sacristans. We do need a few more people in this ministry so do speak with me if you are interested. Next week—Altar Servers.