Today is the last Sunday of the church’s liturgical year. The Feast of Christ the King is a celebration of the reign of the King whose Kingdom we have been proclaiming all these ordinary Sundays: “Christ, yesterday and today, the beginning and the end…”
Why is that significant to us here at Saint Ambrose? Because the Kingdom of God is not somewhere far off in time and space. The Kingdom comes every time we imitate the love and compassion that Jesus taught us. In some ways we are working together to make the Kingdom a reality. Imagine what our part of the world will look like the more we bring about the Kingdom through our actions.
As we conclude the year we once more affirm in faith that Jesus, the King of Glory and the Lord of all, will come again and will rule to the ends of the earth. Next week when we begin a new year of waiting for Jesus’ return we make a commitment to once again work for the establishment of the Kingdom that has been proclaimed in our midst. I look forward to building God’s Kingdom with you in the year to come.