I'd like you to consider attending the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday--30 March 2013. The Easter Vigil is so special because in addition to it being the first celebration of the Risen Lord, it is when (through Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) people become fully initiated into our Catholic family as brothers and sisters in Jesus. Beginning in September, people who wish to become Catholic or are baptized Catholics who need First Communion or Confirmation, gather in groups to pray, study scripture, learn doctrine, and come to know the Catholic way of life. This process is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). I know Easter is several months away but now is the time to think about someone you want to invite to become Catholic and ask them to consider attending the small group gatherings. Also, if you are Catholic and have not yet received First Communion or Confirmation, think about inviting yourself.
The people who enter the Church through RCIA are truly a blessing to us. They come with their life experience, and their desire to be Catholic adds richness to the life of our community. Their desire to learn about the faith is an inspiration for those of us who are cradle Catholics to learn more about the faith as well. So start thinking now about someone that you think should consider the RCIA program. If you'd like me to invite them personally--let me know who they are. Also, watch the bulletin for further information for the next session of RCIA.