“Imagine being a new community.” This was the phrase I used continuously my first couple years as the pastor of Saint Ambrose Church. In so many ways it was a great community but there was serious work to be done around the parish. Rescuing the school from closure, revitalizing the religious education program, improving the physical plant, and most of all, being a very welcoming community were the ways I envisioned becoming a new community. You have made this vision a reality so I am grateful to those of you who have transformed a vision into a reality.
One of the most important was we support the mission of the parish is through our financial support (myself included). There are three principles I ask you to consider when determining the level of financial support that is right for you. First is consistency – give regularly to the Sunday collection and make up for the Sundays you are not at Saint Ambrose. Second is proportional – give according to your ability based on a percentage of your income. One hour of salary per week is a base standard to consider. Third is priority – is your contribution to the church a priority in your budget just as other bills are or is it just what you happen to have in your pocket when the collection basket comes around?
We have come a long way in the last few years and God is leading us ahead in so many new ways. Each day, visions and dreams are created in the hearts of many members of Saint Ambrose Parish. Your gifts to support the parish transforms visions into reality.