"The Sacraments are not mere appearances, they are not rituals; they are the power of Christ; Jesus Christ is present in the Sacraments." - Pope Francis
Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Holy Matrimony, Reconciliation, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick - as Catholics we are familiar with the sacraments, and see them as mileposts in our lives.
But, as Pope Francis so energetically reminds us, they are not simply observances, they are portals through which the Lord brings us all the power and graces that flow from his death and Resurrection. And wonderfully, each sacrament opens us to a personal encounter with Jesus.
The Liturgy provides most of us with the most convient way to encounter Christ during our week. Whether daily or just on Sundays, celebrate with us and then seek out personal time with Jesus through Adoration.
The links on the left will provide you with the current schedule and contact information for masses, Adoration and receiving the Sacraments.